Cute Bow Tie Hearts Blinking Blue Pointer

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

First day on fast breaking~

The first day of Ramadhan on 1st of August 2011...
It was a nice, pleasant, cool, and calm day...

I decided to make pizzas for our family fast breaking time at 1930 hours..

So I start rolling out the pizza dough on 1600 hours...
Left it for an hour to let it rest...
Then continue patting it down to my tray that I dusted with plain flour...
Left it for an hour...

Later I decorated the topping for the both pizza that I have waited about 3 hours to laid my creative hands upon...
The first got a mushroom and sausage topping with a chilies sauce and mayonnaise base...
While the second got a pineapple and shredded chicken topping with the same base but an extra mayo on it...

It only took about 20~25 minute for it to cook depend on the thickness of the dough...

We also had Mee and Bihun Soup that my mum made... 

Well it was a lovely first day of Ramadhan for me and my family members...
Hope all you did too...

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Islam is for me~

Islam is for me~
الله اكبر الله اكبر
Allah is Great, Allah is Great
الله اكبر كبيرا
Allah is the Greatest
والحمد لله كثيرا
And All praise be to Allah
وسبحان الله بكرة وأصيلا
And glory be to him morning and evening.
ولا اله الا الله وحده
And There is no god but Allah, alone
صدق وعده ونصر عبده وأعز جنده وهزم الاحزاب وحده
He was true to His promise, He granted victory to His follower, He supported His group, And He conquered the parties of evil all by Himself.
لا اله الا الله
There is no god but Allah.
ولا نعبد الا اياه مخلصين له الدين ولو كره الكافرون
we worship no one but Him, we will sincerely follow the religion for Him,
Even against the wishes of the unbelievers.